Reacclimate to Regenerate

I love a good "God-wink" revelatory moment. Last week, it seemed like many revelations were shared pertaining to gardens and plants. God's creation was speaking loudly, and I am here for it all! We have two potted peace lilies in my home office from my mother-in-love's service two years ago. (Roses and lilies are my favorite flowers, by the way). After her service, we brought them home and cared for them. The peace lilies continue to thrive and grow in abundance, so much so that repotting them became necessary. After we repotted them, I noticed that they gradually stopped producing lilies. I used to care for the peace lily at my old job, and it produced lilies all throughout the year, as long as I kept it watered. So quite naturally, " Did we do something wrong ?" was my first thought. Nevertheless, the greenery continued thriving. We - well, my husband actually - continued to care for them (watering the soil, spraying the greenery, placing them in go...