Childlike Faith
As a new mom, I'm constantly in awe of Little Ali's actions--the new things he's learning daily, watching his little personality develops, hearing his babbling in efforts to communicate with others. My ten-month-old is growing right before my eyes; it's happening so quickly that I often have to retreat to the thousands of photos of him in his newborn stages just to reflect and remember how small he was. I am so glad that I followed the advice of many: TAKE PLENTY OF PHOTOS. His looks will change and change fast. They grow up so quickly. And it is so true.
We can also learn some big lessons from our children. One of the things that keeps me in awe is his interactions with my husband, his dad Big Ali. When Little Ali sees Big Ali, he cries for him to come get him. Once he is swept up into Big Ali's arms, he smiles, laughs and wraps his little arms around his neck. thy presence is fulness of joy...
Psalm 16:11 KJV
Now that he's older, he sleeps with us at night, right in between us. He often rolls over towards his dad. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I notice how he's nestled under my husband's arm. Sometimes, his little hand rests on Big Ali's chest. If Big Ali turns or if Little Ali detects any movement on Big Ali's part, he instinctively grabs his shirt. Seeing all of this gave me the sweetest revelation: This is exactly how we should be with Father God.
As believers, we should be joyous in the presence of our Almighty God. In childlike manner, we should be excited to be in His presence, desiring to be swooped up into His loving embrace. We should submit to God, hold onto God and never let go. In times of bliss and in times of trouble, we should always seek refuge in the one whose name alone is a strong tower that the righteous run into and find safety therein (Proverbs 18:10). As my former first lady, the late Elder Elnora Wilson used to say: Hold onto God with teeth and toenails. In other words, grasp Father God's hand with everything you got.
In my walk with the Lord, I aspire to model after Little Ali in that respect. I want to have that childlike faith and attitude towards God like he has with his dad. My desire is to avail myself as a vessel of honor, stretching my arms to Him in surrender and longing for Him. God's opinion of me trumps all others, and I pray that He's pleased with me.
Father God, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, thank you for being an awesome Father. You are God and God alone. You are the everlasting Father who takes good care of His children. Thank you for adopting me into the Fold. Help me Holy Spirit to forever come before God as a child who is open, curious and teachable. Help me to cling to you in all circumstances and situations-the good, bad and ugly. Your name is a strong tower, and that's where I find safety. Thank you for being my source of protection (Psalm 91). Help me to stay humble before you, and to be yielded to you in all that I do. Cleanse my heart and remove all things that could possibly hurt and hinder my spiritual growth and relationship with You. Show me myself. While I strive to live upright, I trust you to do the things I cannot do. I love you and I thank you.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
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