
Showing posts from August, 2024

Be Intentional

Gifts. Talents. Abilities.  Lovingly and purposely endowed upon us by Father God, our gifts, talents and abilities should all be utilized with pure intentionality.  Despite inevitable obstacles, we have the awesome benefit of asking God to reveal unto us the ways to accomplish the assignment or even how to maximize our gifts. As we work in cooperation with Holy Spirit, we will see our assignment to completion and reap the fruit of our labor.  Approaching my last three semesters of undergrad, I was divinely laid off from full-time employment. Traveling along the home stretch of graduating with my bachelor's degree in communications, I enrolled in three classes, all of which being writing intensive courses.  The beginning was rough; even one of my professors, Mr. Jack Lessenberry, who doubled as my curriculum counselor asked, "You sure you wanna take these classes? Two of them are with  me. "  Let's just say that the weight of my assignments was equivalent to that of a