Be Intentional
Gifts. Talents. Abilities.
Lovingly and purposely endowed upon us by Father God, our gifts, talents and abilities should all be utilized with pure intentionality. Despite inevitable obstacles, we have the awesome benefit of asking God to reveal unto us the ways to accomplish the assignment or even how to maximize our gifts. As we work in cooperation with Holy Spirit, we will see our assignment to completion and the fruit of our labor shall be our reward.
Approaching my last three semesters of undergrad, I was divinely laid off from full-time employment. Traveling along the homestretch towards graduating with my bachelor's degree in communications, I enrolled in three classes, all of which were writing intensive courses. The beginning of the semester was rough; even one of my professors, Mr. Jack Lessenberry, who doubled as my curriculum counselor asked, "You sure you wanna take these classes? Two of them are with me." Let's just say that the weight of my assignments was equivalent to that of a "9 to 5," which is why God divinely orchestrated my layoff from the County of Wayne (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
Once again, it was rough. So rough to the point that my other professor asked, "Ms. Taylor, are you okay?" My grades were so poor that I considered dropping all courses and starting over fresh in the following semester. As soon as my thought processes lingered in the realm of defeat, something switched immediately. Jesus must've been interceding for me at that moment because my way of thinking changed in a nanosecond.
"I am only going to school and church. I have nothing but time to pour into my studies," I reasoned within myself. With several intensive writing assignments and projects on my desk, I was challenged with the balancing act of completing these assignments while studying for quizzes, midterms and final exams. I asked God to show me how to organize my time and workload. I had an academic planner and was very intentional about planning my days. Plus, I declared Philippians 4:13 over my studies. Despite the fact that I initially received D's and F's on several assignments, I wrote, "I will get all A's in Jesus' name" on the pages of my academic planner. I spoke it, believed it, wrote it and intentionally put in the work. My Christmas gift was a report card with two A-'s and one A. I literally received this report on December 25, 2009. Merry CHRISTmas to me, indeed.
Speak it. Believe it. Work it. WORK with intentionality.
Faith without works is dead. God is not a genie; we can't just speak stuff into existence without proper application of belief and works. That defeats the purpose of our brain, talents and gifts. I can imagine God thinking, "Now, I've given you hands, feet and mobility. I've given you this brain, along with cognitive function, understanding, inspiration, aspiration, thoughts, ideas, desires, abilities, technology...and you're just going to sit there, speak what you want without putting work in, and think I'm gonna obey your words because I'm omnipotent? You're using me..." Whew.
I've watched a video of a person born without arms and hands use a steering wheel with one foot. I watched another person with the same condition paint beautiful pictures by utilizing a paintbrush with their teeth. And I'm just going to sit here with all limbs and faculties intact and just do nothing? We do God a disservice by sitting all that He's given us on the shelf. Yes, you may have an idea and have no clue as to how to bring it to pass. In fact, you may even have some fear. But guess what? We are graciously given things such as Google and YouTube to aid us in accomplishing all we set out to do.
And most importantly, we can go to God in prayer and ask for His divine help! Be intentional in all that you do. If you really want it, you will do all you can (within reason with integrity, that is) to get what you want.
Let us pray:
Father God, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus,
You know all that I aspire to do and accomplish in the kingdom.
I ask you to connect me with the right people at the right time who will assist me in my endeavors.
Increase me in wisdom and discernment; all those who come to leech off what you inspired me to do, send them in another direction. Help me to see the true intents of those I come in contact with.
Give me the drive, ambition and discipline to see these assignments to completion in Jesus' name.
Let me not become a waste of time and creation. When discouragement knocks, it shall be returned to sender in Jesus' name. I eliminate distractions, in Jesus' name. I will recognize and remove all negative emotions and thoughts. Despite challenges and obstacles, I will intentionally and successfully complete everything task you've inspired and assigned me to do. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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