
Showing posts from September, 2024

This Too Shall Pass

One of my "happy place" moments is spending time with Jesus in the quiet solitude of the morning.  I anoint myself with my favorite essential oil , and then I sit on the balcony with a hot cup of coffee,  Jesus Calling devotional and YouVersion Bible app. On the morning of July 30, 2024, I had the most amazing morning. Sitting quietly before the LORD gave space for divine downloads and regal revelations.  And it all came from simply basking in the handiwork of our LORD (Psalm 19).  The skies were completely overcast.  The gloomy dark clouds loomed overhead, and the probability of rain was prominent. Sitting on edge, I wondered if I should just stay outside or go back inside to avoid being rained on. I decided to stay outside and see what happens. Gazing at the sky, I noticed how those dark clouds moved slowly toward the east.  Their slow migration ultimately unveiled beautiful blue skies accentuated with white puffy clouds, enhanced by the light of the slowly rising sun.  Mor