This Too Shall Pass
One of my "happy place" moments is spending time with Jesus in the quiet solitude of the morning.
I anoint myself with my favorite essential oil, and then I sit on the balcony with a hot cup of coffee, Jesus Calling devotional and YouVersion Bible app. On the morning of July 30, 2024, I had the most amazing morning. Sitting quietly before the LORD gave space for divine downloads and regal revelations. And it all came from simply basking in the handiwork of our LORD (Psalm 19).
The skies were completely overcast. The gloomy dark clouds loomed overhead, and the probability of rain was prominent. Sitting on edge, I wondered if I should just stay outside or go back inside to avoid being rained on. I decided to stay outside and see what happens. Gazing at the sky, I noticed how those dark clouds moved slowly toward the east.

High winds and dark clouds filled with seemingly relentless rain may roll in tandem before transforming into a severe storm. The storm may be tumultuous, but it's not here to stay. It will rain, and the wind will blow. Before you know it, the storm is over, and the sun comes out again as if nothing happened.
The same is applicable with life's situations. The inception of this sin-filled, broken world was the result of one man's disobedience. By default, we inherited a package deal of inevitable tests, trials, tribulations. We will endure measures of hardness in various forms. Unfortunate circumstances will happen, but it's not permanent. Financial difficulties, decline in health and the death of a loved one are all examples of situations that can rock our world in the worst way; however, through the grace and strength of God, we will not linger in the realm of defeat and grief for too long. The joy of the LORD is our strength, and it serves as a soothing salve to our wounded spirit. The beautiful thing about "going through" is the action behind it; you are GOING through. Going signifies motion, not stagnation. The end result of going through is eventually coming out of that situation! It's only for a season and for a reason. Through it all, God is gracious. Know this: This too shall pass!
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